Amy's Togolese Adventures

Peace Corps Disclaimer: The views and opinions on this site are solely mine and do not reflect those of the Peace Corps or US Government.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

More Togo Photos

December 1st, World AIDS Day. The march to kick off the day. Looking back on the march, all you could see was a sea of khaki. There are countless children following us! Hopefully they learnt something...

My host mom, Gertrude (whom all of my stage lover, particullary Jonathan who had a crush, the size of her booty, on her) from Govie and host brother, conveniently named Brother, at our send-off party.

More send off party fun!

Swear-in at the Ambassadors residence. The may be the nicest or most ridiculous that any of us will ever look in Togo. Thank you Govie host families for finding the most crazy pagnes possible.

My roommate from Philly, Gwyn.

The CHAP/GEE 2006 Stage!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Thanksgiving in Aedta. I wore a booboo so that I could stuff myself, kind of like a turkey.

The cutest and fattest baby in Togo. He also happens to be my 16 year old host sisters son...

The 30 new CHAP and GEE Peace Corps Volunteers!